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Pyscalpel documentation

Everything you need to know about pyscalpel.

Why pyscalpel?

I already knew scrapy which is the reference in python for web scraping. But two things bothered me.

  • I feel like scrapy cannot integrate into an existing project, you need to treat your web scraping stuff like a project on its own.
  • Usage of Twisted which is a veteran in asynchronous programming, but I think that there are better asynchronous frameworks today. Note that this second point is no longer true anymore as I'm writing the documentation because scrapy added support for asyncio.

After having made these observations I decided to create pyscalpel. And let's be honest, I also want to have my own web scraping library, and it is fun to write one ;)


  • Ability to parse documents using gevent, asyncio or trio asynchronous frameworks.
  • Ability to parse SPA (Single Page Applications) using selenium.
  • Fast serialization for scrapped items with msgpack.
  • Ability to follow robots.txt rules.
  • Ability to filter or update scraped items.
  • Middleware system to perform some actions regarding the response (only for static responses).


If you are new to pyscalpel you should read the documentation in the order listed on the left menu.