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To install pyscalpel, you will need to have python and pip installed. For python the minimal version supported is 3.7. After you can just enter the following command:

pip install pyscalpel # to only use the asyncio backend
pip install pyscalpel[gevent] # to install the gevent backend
pip install pyscalpel[trio] # to install the trio backend
pip install pyscalpel[full] # to install all the backends

You can also have a look at the poetry project to manage your dependencies.

poetry add pyscalpel # to only use the asyncio backend
poetry add pyscalpel[gevent] # to install the gevent backend
poetry add pyscalpel[trio] # to install the trio backend
poetry add pyscalpel[full] # to install all the backends

This project relies on robust packages:

  • configuror: A configuration toolkit.
  • httpx: A modern http client.
  • selenium: A library for controlling a browser.
  • gevent: An asynchronous framework using the synchronous way. (optional)
  • trio: A modern asynchronous framework using async/await syntax. (optional)
  • anyio: An asynchronous networking and concurrency library that works on top of either asyncio or trio.
  • parsel: A library elements in HTML/XML documents.
  • attrs: A library helping to write classes without pain.
  • fake-useragent: A simple library to fake a user agent.
  • rfc3986: A library for url parsing and validation.
  • msgpack: A library allowing for fast serialization/deserialization of data structures.